15 years of experience 

Full technical documentation

Always in touch with you

Wide selection of models

Our RakTek high-performance power distribution units are designed with care to ensure maximum equipment operating efficiency. Our solutions optimally distribute the available current between all sockets, providing the best possible power output for connected servers, network and telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Our top-quality PDUs are available in numerous different forms, offering options from basic power distribution to advanced remote power management and more.

PDUs by categories

Can’t decide? Choose a product based on the parameters!

We are prepared to provide a solution for tasks of any level of complexity.

Please get in touch with us, and our RakTek specialists will draft a proposal that aligns with all the requirements of your project.

Email: sales@raktek-pdu.com

PDU Дата-Центр

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Unit 1411, 14/Floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong



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